The Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) is a partnership formed to divert individuals living with mental illness from arrest through the creation of more effective interactions among law enforcement, providers, individuals with mental illness and their families.

The 2013 North Carolina Statewide CIT Conference provided opportunities for collaboration that moved us toward our common goals of safety, understanding and services to those with mental illness in crisis. The Keynote Speaker was Justice Evelyn Lundberg Stratton, co-founder and former co-chair of the Judges’ Leadership Initiative, a professional association that supports cooperative mental health programs in the criminal justice system. Justice Stratton shared her vision that the courts, in partnership with the mental health system, can affect positive change in the lives of many defendants whose mental illness has led to criminal activity.

The Lunch Keynote was presented by Antonio Lambert, who provided an honest account of an individual living with a mental illness and how his struggles with the law ultimately led to his own recovery.

National speakers Clarke and Tracy Paris provided a 2-part workshop that helped police officers, police employees, and first responders deal with the struggles associated with police work, Cumulative Stress, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).