East Carolina University published a study that suggests that playing games for 30 minutes per day can help alleviate clinical depression and anxiety. Not just for the day, but a month later at levels that rival the effectiveness of medication.
There’s also evidence that video games aren’t just good for young people, but that continuing to play (or starting a new habit) in older years promotes a more positive aging experience and helps alleviate depression in older adults.
Why bStable Go! leverages gaming:
- Improved Daily Recording Adherence: Providers want to help individual clients as much as possible but to do so, timely and complete information from clients is paramount. Making it fun and easy to record how a client is doing by virtually traveling the world, unlocking prizes, getting rewarded with points and stars makes this task fun.
- Population Health Analytics: If a large population is providing this information, longitudinal data can be obtained at the population-level to determine new interventions. Read our blog on that topic here: Population Health Analytics for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities with bStable Go!
- Piques Interest in History and Geography: bStable Go! incorporates virtual travel around the world to historical and current sites to drive the usage of the system throughout the year. The locations spark a client’s interest in discovering more about the culture they’re immersed in. Case managers can obtain books, maps, and other resources connected to sites and locations in bStable Go! to have clients that are more engaged with learning, which can lead to a lifetime appreciation for geography and history.
Does bStable Go! sound like a solution that could improve your organization? I would love to offer you a personalized demonstration of bStable Go! and discuss how we can help your organization. Simply take a moment to contact me now in order to set up a time.