Our negative thoughts heavily influence our physical and psychological state. By re-training our thoughts and altering behaviors, we feel better physically, experience less stress, and experience an improved quality of life.
How this transformation is achieved is where cognitive behavioral therapy comes in.
Cognitive behavioral therapy. CBT is a type of psychotherapy that helps patients understand the thoughts and feelings that influence behaviors. It is used for a variety of mental disorders and has shown great improvements in phobias, addictions, depression, anxiety and more through a goal-oriented and systematic procedure.
bStable CBT module. CBT is at the center of bStable. The bStable platform’s support of CBT through the CBT module allows both patients and providers to track exercises and monitor goals that assist clients in their psychotherapy and utilize the findings to better communicate with their providers. Insights from a patient’s life (triggers, stressors, negative beliefs, healthy beliefs, predictions or theories) are recorded in bStable and incorporated into CBT psychotherapy exercises.
CBT – part of a comprehensive bStable solution. The bStable platform offers a complete, holistic, and comprehensive system that can support all aspects of life for patients with a variety of different mental health disorders and co-morbid conditions. bStable offers patients, providers and loved ones an all-inclusive platform to monitor every aspect of a patient’s mental health. From tracking patterns to examining outliers, bStable provides an opportunity to gain insight into the unknown while empowering patients through self-service discovery and optimizing patient-provider communication.
Ready to get started on the bStable platform or have any questions about how bStable works? Contact Us today.