Are You a Phubber?
Phubbing is the habit of snubbing a physically present person in [...]
Psychotropic Meds Affect People Differently
Mental health medication can work well for some people, yet [...]
Mental Health Challenges Facing Students
bStable helps students manage their mental health from their iPhone, [...]
bStable Love Life Booster!
Did you know that bStable can help enhance your romantic [...]
Mood Foods To Track in bStable
Let's talk about healthy foods that boost your mood. When [...]
10 Ways to Improve Your Physical and Mental Health
It’s time to pause and remember the importance of *your* [...]
Find Positivity and Opportunity During a Mid-Life Crisis
Middle age can bring a lot of mixed emotions for [...]
Self-Care Strategies to Improve Your Mental Health
Mental health struggles are not unique to any one demographic [...]
Stop Suicide
According to the CDC, suicides in the U.S. jumped a [...]
Cut Bad Habits to Improve Your Day-to-Day Life
If you want to live a happier, healthier life, you [...]